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Marcel Haas, Microsoft Flow, Office 365, Azure

Marcel Haas

Solution Architect and Founder CEO of and

SharePoint since 2006 and counting
AI | Cognitive Services | Serverless | Power Platform

My Speaking Events

Date: 31.08.2019

Event: SharePoint Saturday Central Europe (SPSCE)

Session: How intelligent is your Modern Workplace?

Date: 14.09.2019

Event: SharePoint Saturday Stockholm 2019

Session: How intelligent is your Modern Workplace?

Date: 09.12.2019

Event: Modern Workplace Conference Paris 2019

Session: How intelligent is your Modern Workplace?

My Featured Blog Posts

Date: 12.06.2019

Title: Conversations analytics in Microsoft Teams with Azure Cognitive Services

Author: Marcel Haas

Date: 11.06.2019

Title: Azure Machine Learning driven demand forecasting for a bike rental

Author: Marcel Haas 

Date: 03.06.2019

Title: Meet my virtual assistants!

Author: Marcel Haas 

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